School Medical Services

School Medical Services

Catapult Services Ltd are a long-standing and trusted provider of several medical services within schools. We are well established in providing the following medical services and have done so for many local schools across Hertfordshire and beyond for years, on an ongoing yearly basis.

Medical Centre/Medical Room Cover

We provide Medics of varying grades and scope of practice within medical centres and practices in a school and college environment. Our enhanced DBS Medics provide first aid and life saving medical assistance to students and staff and will also administer medication if needed and deemed appropriate.

School Games Matches & Inter School Tournaments

We provide Medics of varying grades and scope of practice for all sports within schools, such as rugby, football, lacrosse, hockey and netball and are skilled and equipped to deal with any medical incidents, whether minor or life threatening and will administer drugs and pain relief as appropriate to help manage the patient or spectators condition. We also provide fully equipped ambulances that can convey patients to hospital legally (due to our full Care Quality Commission (CQC) status).

School Events

We provide Medics of varying grades and scope of practice for a wide variety of events based within a school, such as school fairs, leavers balls, school festivals, school holiday and after school clubs. We work with each school or college to ensure that the event is appropriately risk assessed and provide the correctly graded Medic(s) to cover each event so that the organisers have full peace of mind that due diligence and care has been taken.

Our School Medics

All of our Medics hold enhanced DBS checks on the update service and have a wealth of experience in working with young people and managing medical emergencies.

We can provide both pre-arranged and short-notice cover (subject to availability); please contact us with your school medical service enquiry.

School Medical Services

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